Here are some things I have been reading. I got to catch up a little over Thanksgiving break.


  1. 4 Things We Need to Always Remember in Education– I have recently come across George Couros’ blog. It is a great little boost. He is the author of the Innovator’s Mindset.
  2. 20 Practical Ways to Use Google Forms in Class, School– Matt Millar at Ditch That Textbook always has some good posts.
  3. 14 Awesome Things Teachers Can Say for Creating Better Learning– This post is from Global Digital Citizen- home of many good PBL ideas. This isn’t one, but it is good.
  4. What Innovation is and Isn’t– Another good one from George Couros. I figured I needed one that was not a numbered list. 🙂 This is from his Innovator’s Mindset ‘newsletter- if you sign up, he introduces you to the idea of innovation in the classroom.

There you have it. I hope you read at least one. If you do, let me know which one and what you gleaned from it in the comments.